Exciting News! Life Renewal Place is OPEN! PEARL was the very grateful recipient of the “Reaching Home” Grant 2021/22, through the Provincial Government, and held by the City of Chilliwack, in the ongoing effort to address homelessness in our province. This money, together with other monies you helped raise, have allowed us to open Life Renewal Place
Life Renewal Place is a 6- bed, 24 month restoration home for women, 19 and over, who struggle with life controlling issues, such as substance addiction, and have a history of prostitution or trafficking. Building on existing relationships at the Resource Centre, the two year program will provide a proven, faith inspired, best practices curriculum, promoting physical, mental and spiritual health. Renewed living allows women to become survivor leaders, giving back to their communities and positively impacting future generations. Life Renewal Place has an annual budget of $250,000. Please consider supporting this important program in Chilliwack through a one-time or monthly gift.
For more information please email contact@pearlliferenewal.com